
504 North 2nd St

P.O.Box 1828

Berthoud,CO  80513

Phoenix Weaponry - Weapons Manufacturer

Fall @ Phoenix

todd woicik • November 28, 2021

Fall was a busy time @ Phoenix Weaponry

We had some pretty nice weather here in Colorado in October, which was good because the team at Phoenix participated in a ton of outdoor events. Early in the month, Sheriff Steve Reams from our neighboring Weld county stopped by to tour the showroom and some new builds. He also invited us to attend a benefit car show on the 9th to help support Reams for Colorado (

On October 15th, there was a benefit sporting clay shoot at Kiowa Creek that members from Phoenix Weaponry attended and helped raise money for the Denver Rescue Mission. Before the next; sporting clays shoot, we decided to take a weekend and see a Toby Keith concert and enjoy the Blue Angels flyover. October 21st, members from Phoenix Weaponry attended the Navy Seal Sporting Clays event back out at Kiowa Creek, where Phoenix took home Top

Team with some excellent shooting.

Later in the month, we hit the range with a suppressed Barrett .50 cal that we have been tuning up along with a Barrett .338 Lapua, a custom Phoenix Weaponry AR chambered in .300 WSM and sight in a customers AR-.308 build.

October wasn’t all play and no work; we made and shipped 1500 rounds of .45-70 Auto ammo to some happy customers. Throughout the month, we have continued to build and ship out customers; rifles helping to alleviate some of the backlogs of orders.

October 27th, we were invited to a 1-mile shoot put on by the Navy Seal Foundation. For this shoot, we took out the .50 cal, .338 Lapua, a custom Emma, and everyone’s favorite full-auto 1919.

Rounding out the month, we attended the CMLA shootout sporting clays event and again took Top Team, followed by a benefit dinner for the Larimer County Republican Party.

Phoenix Weaponry News

Tier II Billet AR15 build Ariah from Phoenix Weaponry
By todd woicik August 4, 2022
Add a little flash to your range day and safe with "Ariah". Designed as a tier-2 rifle build in the billet line of rifles, the Ariah boasts incredible sub-MOA accuracy, 15-inch Phoenix Weaponry handguard, Magpul MIAD buttstock, and Magpul CTR pistol grip. This model is available in our new shadow tiger camo Duracoat paint job that's applied in a 2-step process. Choose from either a burnt bronze or tungsten base coat. Made with Phoenix’s premium billet receiver set made from 7075 T-7 aluminum and is completed with all U.S.A spec parts.
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